Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Dear Santa, please bring them a manual... How to Drive in Snow....

It was horribly slow crossing the bridge.. I knew it would be... then as I took turned onto Knoxville, the green mustang in front of me didn't take into acct the rear wheel drive of her car, or maybe it was the sheet of black ice she didn't see... but she kept giving it too much gas, until she finally- I stopped and just waited... yup, she spun out... I knew she was going to spin...it was inevitable so I just sat and waited for her to finish... she really clobbered this telephone pole on the side of the road... it bent her axle real good and her front wheel looked like it was going in a different direction than the rest of the car.... So I got out told her she needed a tow truck, as she wasn't going anywhere with the wheel like that... I asked her if she was ok, and did she have someone to call... and a phone to use.... After she thanked me for stopping... I continued on ... slowly... to work. I also called 911 to let them know there was an accident slowing down traffic, and that she didn't SEEM to be hurt... Got to work at 9am. That's about what I expected for the first snow day. Why is it that people forget from year to year how to drive in snow?

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