Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Leave me some space!

It seems lately I am posting about traffic gripes, but that is what's griping me lately so that's what I write.

Did you ever wish you could have a way of telling other drivers how you feel? Bumper stickers are wonderful but many times written too small, thus defeating the purpose. This morning I entered the interstate and came up to speed as quickyo as possible. To accomodate this, a car in the 'slow lane' moved over (thank you!) to allow me on. It seems she (yes, SHE) also decided just HOW fast I would get up to and when it would be safe to move back into the 'slow lane' in FRONT of me. And I DO mean directly in front of me! How did she know I was done speeding up? (I wasn't) But time and time again people do this, change lanes in front of me, and leave very little space between us. This leaves me no where to go, but to change to the 'fast lane' and pass them. This leads to my Leap Frogging that I referred to in my earlier post of April 28... it's an endless and fruitless move....

So please... when changing lanes... LEAVE ME SOME SPACE.


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