Saturday, December 17, 2011

Time to GET UP!!

I woke this morning (at 5:15am) to the sounds of a scratching noise. I thought it was my cat doing her "I'm done with potty, lets cover it up" dance in her litter box... but it seemed too loud for that. Hmmm thinking I needed to investigate I crawled out of my nice warm bed. Tippy-toed into the dining room, then the living room to find no cat in the litter box, but instead my dachshund was between the love seat and wall digging for what she is sure is a mouse in the house.

I've been told that dachshunds were bred to go down into badger burrows and haul them out. Someone needs to tell her that a mouse is NOT a badger! LOL - While I did not take a video of this event (I was busy turning the love seat UPSIDE down for her to get under it) I did google and find this video that strongly resembles the determination displayed when they are Sure they are on the trail... it's funny but also annoying at the same time. She doesn't look vicious, does she!?

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